世界上有三块黑土地,一块在美洲—密西西比河流域;一块在欧洲—第聂伯河畔的乌克兰;一块在亚洲——这就是位于中国东北角的北大荒。北大荒以美丽神奇、荒蛮富饶而闻名于世。它的可考历史上溯到汉魏时期。 | ||||||||||||
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● In the world, there are three pieces of black soil land: one in America, the Mississippi River Valley of the USA; the second is in Europe, along the Tineerbo River Banks in Ukraine; and the third is in Asia, that is BeiDaHuang located in Northeast corner of China. BeiDaHuang is famous for its beauty, miracle, wilderness and roughness, and for its rich resources The textually researchable history is traced back to the Han-Wei Dynasty.